… as I contemplate the future.
To write? Or, not to write?
That is the existential question.
UPDATE: The right answer… is “Write.” There is a sign in my office (taken from a very old note taped to my computer monitor) that reads: I CANNOT MAKE THIS CRAP UP. It refers to life with my somewhat (in)famous family and the cast of characters that surround them. I’ve steeped long enough people. It is time… to tell those tales. xo – t.
#writinginablackhole, #billstobepaid, #isittimetogobacktoaprivatejournal,
Tea you are so verbose indeed. You have entertained us since I believe the summer of 2011? Not to be confused with the Summer of 42… You have been a very bright star in my life as I have transitioned in all the world has to offer. You have affected me in a positive uplifting way. The sand dunes have sparkled more for me since reading your missives. To be sure there has been more pep in my picnic of life. Clamming has been more meaningful and momentous for this one. The starfish at beards hollow have been more plentiful and my crab nets for wine and dinner more productive. I have had a greater sense of well being encompass me as well. I owe you my debt of gratitude.
Bless The Sister Tea