Road Rage

Q: Is it just me, or does anyone else notice that people seem to have LOST THEIR MINDS (and manners) behind the steering wheel?!  I cannot get over how AWFUL people behave on the roads these days!!!

A: Oh, I understand how upset you are (USING ALL CAPS and !!! like that) and I feel your pain, friend. But, not EVERYone (pardon my yelling) has forgotten to put on their manners pants and is rude on the road.  Even if it does seem that way at times.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) says, “most drivers rarely drive aggressively, and some never at all.” However, there a number of factors can flip that mean motorist switch:

Traffic Congestion

Nasty Nellie believes you’re impeding her progress. She tailgates, speeds, changes lanes frequently and more than a switch might be flipped as she drives. There are more drivers, driving more miles, on the same roads than ever before, so irritation is normal. But don’t be a #jerk about it.

Running Late

Tardy Terrence tends to be an aggressive driver, because he “has too much to do and not enough time to do it.” [What’s that you say? You too have tons to do and the same 24 hours he does? Yes. Again, I feel your pain, friend.]


Burt-in-the-Bubble thinks his beloved beemer is his own insular private Idaho. You can’t see him and he doesn’t see you! He’s detached and delusional. He figures he can get away with anything (including nasal excavation, silly guy).


Some folks think they are above the law and can disregard the rules. They don’t deserve a nickname or even space on this page. And they really should consider public transportation.

Risky driving is responsible for tens of thousands of collisions and deaths. In addition to aggressive driving, some other factors that contribute are drunk/drowsy/drugged/distracted drivers. To me, driving under the influence of ANYTHING (I get to yell this time) is dangerous… and downright rude.

I was raised to believe that a vehicle is not just a thing that transports people from place-to-place, but a weapon. Yes, vehicles are weapons of destruction in the wrong hands. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t even want to give a rude dinner party guest access to a paring knife in my kitchen.  A risky, aggressive driver with 5,000 to 10,000 pounds traveling waaaay above the speed limit, is death on wheels. That’s not nice.

Honestly, a bit of personality Q&A should occur before ANYBODY gets a driver’s permit, much less a license. Since that might not happen anytime soon, let’s instead focus on the handful of positive words of NHTSA “…most drivers rarely drive aggressively, and some never at all.” Forgive the bumper sticker platitude, but be the change you want to see in the world. Next time you’re approaching a car that wants to change lanes/exit a driveway/merge onto the freeway: Don’t be a Nasty Nellie/Tardy Terrence/BubbleHeaded Burt/No Name Scofflaw: Just smile and be polite.

xo – t.